(1) PhD position: Nanoelectronics and digital technologies
imec is a world-leading research and innovation hub in nanoelectronics and digital technologies. The combination of our widely acclaimed leadership in microchip technology and profound software and ICT expertise is what makes us unique. By leveraging our world-class infrastructure and local and global ecosystem of partners across a multitude of industries, we create groundbreaking innovation in application domains such as healthcare, smart cities and mobility, logistics and manufacturing, and energy.
Job description
You will prepare a PhD dissertation over a duration of about 4 years, under the supervision of professors in the team.
- You perform cutting-edge research in the domain of network control algorithms for novel multi-processor networks.
- You design novel routing algorithms, scheduling mechanisms and architectures for these networks
- You publish and present results both at international conferences and in scientific journals.
- You validate your research through adequate quantitative measurements in a statistically meaningful manner
- You will assist the research group with limited educational tasks.
- We offer a full-time position as a Ph.D. scholarship recipient, consisting of an initial period of 12 months, which –upon positive evaluation– can be extended to a maximum of 4 years
Deadline : Aug 31, 2023
How To Write An Impressive Cover Letter (2023): Full Guide
(2) PhD position: Sustainable energies
Photovoltaic Installations (PV), Electric Vehicles (EV), Energy Storage (ES) and Heat Pumps (HP), combined “Stochastic Distribution Grid Exchanges” (SDGE) can result in additional stress on the distribution system due to their fundamentally different behavior from traditional households and building behavior. Due to the increased use of Stochastic Distribution Grid Exchanges (SDGE), the available grid capacity becomes more unpredictable. The grid capacity, further noted as “ampacity” is important to the Distribution System Operator (DSO). Users need to be aware to what extent they can exchange power with the grid under different circumstances, and to which extent they can participate in the energy services and markets. By doing so, we take into account: (i) the impact of decentralized generation, (ii) the integration of storage and (iii) integration of intelligent systems for flexible grid use. The objective of the project can be summarized as the development of innovative concept to avoid hosting capacity problems on distribution grids, taking into maximum grid use, with the goal to improve the performance and reliability.
Deadline : Feb 12, 2023
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(3) PhD position: Biochemistry and Microbiology
The study is part of large multidisciplinary project in collaboration with researchers of other UGent and VIB departments aimed at understanding the biotic interactions and molecular processes that drive the extraordinary species diversity and ecological success of benthic diatoms. Given the importance of biofilm functioning for global biogeochemical cycling, understanding the nature of underlying microbial interactions and their susceptibility or resilience to climate parameters are urgent questions that need to be addressed.
The successful candidate will characterize the bacterial communities living in the phycosphere of benthic diatom strains through amplicon sequencing of 16S rRNA genes, metagenomics and metatranscritpomics under normal and stressed conditions. Model species as well as natural communities will be studied. Diatom-associated bacteria will be isolated and genomic, phenotypic and chemotypic characterization will be performed and interactions will be explored by testing for growth inhibition effects, production of/response to quorum sensing signals. The work will involve collaboration with other PhD students and postdocs studying other aspects of the diatom life cycle dynamics. It will also involve scientific writing and publishing the research results in international journals.
Job profile: You have obtained your Master degree in Biochemistry and Biotechnology or Biology with excellent grades before the start date of the position.
- You do not yet hold a PhD degree and are motivated to perform high quality research towards obtaining a PhD degree.
- You have a strong interest in working in the microbiology wet lab as well as in bioinformatics and genome analysis.
- Experience in bacteriology, molecular biology laboratory techniques and bioinformatics is an asset.
- You combine being a team player with a strong sense of autonomy, responsibility and initiative.
- You are very organized and able to plan your work efficiently and with an eye for quality and precision.
- You have good oral and written communication skills and have a very good knowledge of written and spoken English.
- You are prepared to apply for additional funding if eligible.
Deadline : Feb 19, 2023
How to Make Yourself More Employable
(4) PhD position: Information technology
imec is a world-leading research and innovation hub in nanoelectronics and digital technologies. The combination of our widely acclaimed leadership in microchip technology and profound software and ICT expertise is what makes us unique. By leveraging our world-class infrastructure and local and global ecosystem of partners across a multitude of industries, we create groundbreaking innovation in application domains such as healthcare, smart cities and mobility, logistics and manufacturing, and energy.
Job description
You will prepare a PhD dissertation over a duration of about 4 years, under the supervision of professors in the team.
- You perform cutting-edge research in the domain of network control algorithms for novel multi-processor networks.
- You design novel routing algorithms, scheduling mechanisms and architectures for these networks
- You publish and present results both at international conferences and in scientific journals.
- You validate your research through adequate quantitative measurements in a statistically meaningful manner
- You will assist the research group with limited educational tasks.
- We offer a full-time position as a Ph.D. scholarship recipient, consisting of an initial period of 12 months, which –upon positive evaluation– can be extended to a maximum of 4 years
Deadline :Aug 31, 2023
(5) PhD position: Information Technology
A study of the dynamics of beamforming of advanced Massive MIMO wireless systems for realistic scenarios is needed. The dynamics will be dependent on many parameters, and it is challenging to include these dynamics in the simulations. The exposure of the user by the base station as well as by the smartphone will need to be included. It is the first time that millimeter waves (e.g., 26 GHz band) will be used in wireless access and in industrial applications. The simulation tools for outdoor and indoor exposure calculations will need to be extended to cover these frequencies and simulations of realistic scenarios will have to be executed and interpreted.
3. The experimental exposure assessment at millimeter waves is also new and challenging. The capture of the dynamical electromagnetic waves at these very high frequencies is not yet fully investigated.
Job Profile
We are looking for enthusiastic candidates to perform research in the domain of 5G dosimetry. Candidates with a Master degree in Electrical engineering, Computer engineering, and Physics engineering qualify for this research job. Experience in wireless networks (software and/or hardware) is a strong plus. We offer a pleasant work climate within a young dynamic team with a very high international reputation and the possibility of obtaining a PhD.
Deadline : Feb 28, 2023
(6) PhD position: Pediatric Hematology-Oncology
Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML) is a rare, aggressive type of childhood leukemia. Despite groundbreaking research into its origins, the disease mechanism of JMML has not yet been fully elucidated. It was recently shown that not only genes (DNA), but also other cellular mechanisms such as RNA play an important role in JMML. In this project proposal we want to investigate the interplay of genomic (DNA), transcriptomic (RNA) and epigenetic factors in cells from JMML patients. This integrated approach will provide new insights into the pathogenesis and course of the disease, as a result of which new therapeutic targets will be identified. These are urgently needed as bone marrow transplantation is still the standard treatment for JMML with poor survival rates, among others due to side effects and the risk of recurrence. In addition, for therapeutic targets, extensive molecular investigations will be performed to assess their function and role in JMML disease.
Job profile
You have a Master’s degree in Biomedical Sciences, Medicine, Pharmaceutical Sciences or a comparable degree.
- You have a strong interest in research, bioinformatics and are highly motivated to complete a PhD within a period of 4 years.
- You have excellent study results.
- You have a very good knowledge of English, both written and spoken.
- You can work autonomously as well as function well in a team.
- You are stress-resistant and flexible.
- You have a strong organizational nature.
- Candidates must be in possession of a Laboratory Animal Science certificate or be prepared to obtain this certificate in the short term.
- Candidates have a basic knowledge of statistics and are willing to delve into bioinformatics.
Deadline :Feb 15, 2023
(7) PhD position: FLEXiGUT project
The exposome is the totality of all non-genetic exposures from conception onwards, throughout life. FLEXiGUT is the first large-scale Flemish exposome study that brings together unique expertise in the field of nutrition and environment-related human biomarkers and biomonitoring, metabolomics, microbiome research and epidemiology to investigate the human exposome (Pero-Gascon et al., Environ Int 2022). FLEXiGUT is a collaboration between Ghent University (Prof. Sarah De Saeger, Prof. Lynn Vanhaecke), KU Leuven (Prof. Jeroen Raes), Hasselt University (Prof. Tim Nawrot) and University of Antwerp (Prof. Adrian Covaci). The PhD candidate will work in a complementary way with other four joint PhD students to characterize human life-course dietary and environmental exposure to assess and validate its impact on chronic low-grade inflammation and related pathologies.
Deadline : Feb 15, 2023
(8) PhD position: FLIMagin3D
The scientific objective of FLIMagin3D is to synergistically evolve key aspects in FLIM (Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy) across disciplines by advancing the acquisition of FLIM data and the analysis pipeline, by developing improved platforms that facilitate imaging for a wide range of (bio)medical, chemical and biophysical applications, and by advancing the state-of-the-art in FLIM biosensors. Through real-world biological and biomedical research lines across the partners we can showcase the validity and power of our developments and unify in streamlining FLIM as an accessible and robust tool.
Job profile: We welcome applications until 28/02/2023 from candidates of any nationality completing the following criteria:
- Candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the first recruiting organization for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to their recruitment. The date of recruitment means the first day of the employment of the researcher for the purposes of the action (i.e. the starting date indicated in the employment contract/equivalent direct contract).
- Candidates shall, at the date of recruitment by the host organization, be in the first four years of their research careers and have not been awarded a doctoral degree.
- Candidates must have a master’s degree or equivalent diploma in biomedical engineering, computer engineering, biomedical sciences, biochemistry, Materials or related disciplines.
- Candidates may be required to provide documentation proving their eligibility for recruitment, i.e. to provide supporting documentation proving their place(s) of residence or work during the previous 3 years.
- Candidates must have a high level of proficiency in written and spoken English, which will be assessed with the application and the interview, respectively.
Deadline : Feb 28, 2023
(9) PhD position: Materials Science and Technology
The research group Materials Science and Technology-DyMaLab is looking for a PhD researcher to contribute to a research project on additively manufactured metal lattice structures (MLS). The project focusses on the impact-dynamic behaviour of these materials. Because of their large deformation capacity and low density, AM lattices might have a high potential to absorb impact energy making them suitable for crashworthiness applications.
Main aim of the PhD is to obtain an enhanced understanding of the impact-dynamic mechanical properties of MLS, including the processing, structural and microstructural factors lying at the origin of the observed behaviour. The research is mainly experimental. Existing impact testing facilities will be used to perform extensive series of tests to identify the impact properties of MLS at various scales, i.e., from the strut over the cell to the metamaterial level. If needed, the existing facilities or test procedures will have to be optimised. Prior and after testing, the microstructure and surface of well-selected samples will be studied using light optical, SEM and SEM-EBSD. The MLS samples will be provided by KU Leuven, the main partner in the project. MLS with different lattice architectures, produced by various combinations of processing parameters, different densities, etc. will be studied.
Deadline : Feb 17, 2023
(10) PhD position
While unsustainable development increasingly threatens Europe’s cultural heritage (CH) assets, museums and conservators continue searching for green approaches and materials. In the preservation of tangible CH assets, carbon-based soiling is among the most significant deteriorations factors. Pollution, vandalism, smoke and fires can cause catastrophic carbon-based contamination to tangible CH assets, and cleaning is essential for their preservation. However, the currently available methods require hazardous chemicals, physical contact, and water, which can be too disruptive to many art materials. The urgent need for sustainable green approaches has been emphasized for over a decade, summarized in ICOM-CC’s Melbourne 2014 declaration, but the actual progress in creating green solutions has been very slow. To kick-start a breakthrough, the European Commission has funded Green Atmospheric Plasma Generated Monoatomic OXYgen Technology for Restoration of the Works of Art – MOXY project 2022-2026, coordinated by Ghent University with a Horizon Europe grant in the call Green Technologies and Materials
Deadline : Feb 28, 2023
(11) PhD position: Numerical Analysis and Simulation of Exotic Energy Derivatives
The Department of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics of Ghent University and the Department of Mathematics of the University of Antwerp each have a vacancy for a full-time (100%) doctoral scholarship holder in numerical analysis and financial mathematics. The two PhD positions are being funded by the research project “Numerical Analysis and Simulation of Exotic Energy Derivatives” of Prof. Karel in ‘t Hout (University of Antwerp), Prof. Michèle Vanmaele (Ghent University) and Prof. Fred Espen Benth (University of Oslo) that has been granted by the Research Foundation–Flanders (FWO). This project deals with the development, analysis and application of operator splitting methods for the efficient and stable numerical solution of advanced, multidimensional partial integro-differential equations (PIDEs) and partial integro-differential complementarity problems (PIDCPs) arising in contemporary financial energy option valuation. In this project we consider two main research topics: (1) infinite activity jumps and (2) swing options.
- You will work actively on the preparation and defence of a PhD thesis at the intersection of the fields of numerical analysis and financial mathematics.
- You will publish scientific articles related to the research project.
- You will carry out a limited number of teaching and research support tasks.
What we offer
- We offer a doctoral scholarship for a period of one year. Following a positive evaluation, the scholarship can be renewed for another three years.
- The planned start date is May 1, 2023 or as soon as possible after that date
- Your monthly scholarship amount is calculated according to the official regulations for doctoral scholarship holders at the University of Antwerp and Ghent University
Deadline : Mar 15, 2023
(12) PhD position: HYBRIPEST
We are offering a PhD scholarship to unravel the mechanistic basis of hybrid defects. Hybrid defects, such as hybrid mortality and sterility, are post-zygotic isolation barriers that drive speciation by reducing gene flow. These defects can evolve rapidly and occur within species and between incipient species that hybridize. The underlying processes have captivated evolutionary biologists since the early 20th century. This project will contribute to resolving the genetic and molecular mechanisms that shape divergent hybrid defects within a three-species model system. We will test how nuclear incompatibilities interact with symbiont-mediated incompatibilities. We will also unravel how polygenic hybrid dysfunction is regulated, further uncovering the early enigmatic speciation processes.
he successful applicant will be hosted at the Terrestrial Ecology research group, Department of Biology, Ghent University, Belgium. He/she/they will work within a dynamic and complementary ERC research team that focuses on understanding the evolution and mechanistic basis of nuclear- and symbiont-mediated hybrid dysfunction. The PhD student is expected to start between June and August 2023. The position is funded by an ERC Starting Grant (HYBRIPEST).
Deadline: Feb 28, 2023
(13) PhD position: Mechanical profiling of orthopedic patients
Our interdisciplinary research group is looking for a motivated and enthusiastic collaborator to conduct research on mechanical profiling of orthopedic patients. The research is part of an FWO research project that studies the link between genetic predictors and biomechanical effects at the level of the lower limb. It concerns a doctoral track of 4 years. Your research contributes to the development of new clinical applications within personalized treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. You will be part of an interdisciplinary research team consisting of physicians, engineers and biomedical researchers. We offer you a four-year appointment, starting 01/09/2023.
All Ghent University staff members enjoy a number of benefits, such as 36 days of paid leave, a wide range of training and education opportunities, bicycle commuting reimbursement, etc.
Job profile
- You have a strong interest in engineering, programming and the human body
- Be highly motivated to conduct scientific research
- Be able to independently develop and execute a research project in terms of content
- You have distinguished yourself as a promising researcher in your master’s thesis research;
- Knowledge of research methods (or willing to retrain in them) in the field of musculoskeletal modeling, segmentation, shape modeling or supervised learning technologies
- Have good writing skills, both in English and in Dutch
- Be willing to participate in international conferences and publish internationally
- Be willing to pursue a doctoral degree (including doctoral training)
Deadline : Feb 14, 2023
(14) PhD position: Information Technology
The Internet Technology & Data Science Lab (IDLab) is an imec research group at Ghent University and the University of Antwerp. IDLab focuses its research on internet technologies and data science. Within IDLAB, the Design team is internationally recognized as a leading research group on high-speed and high-frequency integrated circuits for next-generation communications systems. At this moment, the Design group is for example active in eight European projects and in direct research contracts with world-leading industry partners. Besides these high-profile projects, the Design group is also a core partner in the ERC Atto project of Prof. Piet Demeester. These roadmaps form the perfect basis for high-level and industry-relevant research in an environment with expert peers and top-notch test and measurement equipment.
Deadline : Sep 30, 2023
(15) PhD position: HYBRIPEST
We are offering a PhD scholarship to unravel the molecular-genetic mechanisms of host-symbiont interactions. Endosymbiotic Wolbachia bacteria commonly infect arthropods and can spread rapidly through host populations by inducing cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI). The strength of CI varies widely across biological systems and numerous hypotheses have been put forward to explain the underlying mechanisms. This project will contribute to resolving the genetic, molecular, and biochemical mechanisms that shape CI strength from the perspective of Wolbachia and host. To more fully understand the evolution of Wolbachia-induced CI, these mechanisms will be dissected using multiple genetic model systems.
The successful applicant will be hosted at the Terrestrial Ecology research group, Department of Biology, Ghent University, Belgium. He/she/they will work within a dynamic and complementary ERC research team that focuses on understanding the evolution and mechanistic basis of hybrid dysfunction. The PhD student is expected to start between June and August 2023. The position is funded by an ERC Starting Grant (HYBRIPEST).
Deadline : Feb 28, 2023
(16) PhD position: Extreme tropical precipitation
While simulations at convection-permitting scales have shown benefits in the timing and organization of precipitation, even the latest generation of regional climate models suffers from considerable uncertainty in simulating precipitation extremes. Data sciences and ever-higher resolution will undoubtedly improve simulations over the next decade. However, continued development of scale-aware and unified parametrizations will remain essential for breakthroughs in the quality of simulations and our fundamental understanding of the atmosphere.
In this project, the student will have the opportunity to contribute to developing the ALARO regional climate model, particularly regarding its tropical precipitation performance. The ALARO model is one of the canonical configurations of the ALADIN system, embedded in the ACCORD consortium, which brings together 26 National Meteorological Services. It is specifically designed to target the convective grey zone (1 – 10 km grid spacing) and is used for operational numerical weather prediction and regional climate modelling. To evaluate the performance of ALARO, the student will make extensive use of the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) User Facility observations in the Amazon (GO Amazon), West Africa (AMMA) and Australia (Darwin, TWP).
The student will work on one of the following topics, depending on their interest, with the goal of obtaining a PhD in Sciences from Ghent University (UGent):
- Improving the precipitation microphysics, focusing on raindrop size distributions and their impact on precipitation extremes, cold pool characteristics and storm dynamics.
- Improving the cloud-turbulence-convection coupling, focusing on improved shallow-to-deep convection transition.
- Improving the grey-zone deep convection parametrization, focusing on including stochastic perturbations or a more elaborate treatment of cold pools.
Deadline : Jun 01, 2023
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